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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What Classes Do You Take When Studying in a RN Program?

The demand for nurses has reached its peak in the past few years. With the advent of modern technology and aging population the shortage of nurses are expected to rise even higher.
A registered nurse program includes various subjects in nursing. You will have to study different topics and get a bird's eye view on the different area of specialization of nursing. You will also be exposed in clinical settings where you can apply what you have learned in the classroom.
To become a Registered Nurse you must study these following courses:
1. Maternity Nursing Course
Maternity Nursing courses teach nursing students how to care of pregnant mothers, newborns and their family. Students are taught of the various risks during pregnancy and the nursing care you need to provide. Areas that are taught include care for the pregnant mother from pregnancy to childbirth, reproductive health and women's health.
2. Medical-Surgical Nursing Course
In this course students learn how to take care of patients with disorders on various body systems including cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory, integumentary, neurological, GI and GUT systems. Caring for pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative patients are also taught.
3. Health Promotion Course
Health promotion and wellness has become very trendy these days. As a student nurse you must know the information you need to provide patients to promote healthier living. Nutrition and disease prevention are some subjects that you study here. It also teaches specialized care by groups like children, elderly, adults and permanently disabled.
4. Nursing Pharmacology Course
Registered nurses may not be the ones prescribing the medications but they spend a lot of time administering them. As nursing students pharmacology is for them to know various drugs, their classification, how they work and how to administer them.
5. Mental Health Nursing Course
Nursing students learn about the different psychological disorders and the treatment they need. Pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment plans. Nursing students learn the different settings of care for patients with psychological disorders like community care centers, mental health units and hospitals.
6. Nursing Management Course
As registered nurses there are medical staffs that you need to supervise. This subject will help shape nursing students to become leaders and managers. Nursing students are taught how and when to delegate work and help them develop leadership skills. Organizational structures, budgeting, staffing and other leadership roles are tackled in this subject.
In addition to classroom courses, student nurses are exposed to clinical setting. They are required to have skills in leadership, communication, assessment skills, communicable diseases and administering medications.
After getting an associate's degree in nursing you need to take a test to become a registered nurse. The test may differ in every area but you need to take it if you want to become a professional nurse.
Find out more about RN programs in Nursing Classes.
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